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- ;====================================================
- ;================= Example of a GUI =================
- ;====================================================
- ; AutoIt version: 3.0.103
- ; Language: English
- ; Author: "SlimShady"
- ;
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Script Start
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;Include constants
- #include <GUIConstants.au3>
- ;Initialize variables
- Global $GUIWidth
- Global $GUIHeight
- $GUIWidth = 300
- $GUIHeight = 250
- ;Create window
- GUICreate("New GUI", $GUIWidth, $GUIHeight)
- ;Create an edit box with no text in it
- $Edit_1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 10, 280, 190)
- ;Create an "OK" button
- $OK_Btn = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 75, 210, 70, 25)
- ;Create a "CANCEL" button
- $Cancel_Btn = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 165, 210, 70, 25)
- ;Show window/Make the window visible
- GUISetState(@SW_SHOW)
- ;Loop until:
- ;- user presses Esc
- ;- user presses Alt+F4
- ;- user clicks the close button
- While 1
- ;After every loop check if the user clicked something in the GUI window
- $msg = GUIGetMsg()
- Select
- ;Check if user clicked on the close button
- Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
- ;Destroy the GUI including the controls
- GUIDelete()
- ;Exit the script
- Exit
- ;Check if user clicked on the "OK" button
- Case $msg = $OK_Btn
- MsgBox(64, "New GUI", "You clicked on the OK button!")
- ;Check if user clicked on the "CANCEL" button
- Case $msg = $Cancel_Btn
- MsgBox(64, "New GUI", "You clicked on the Cancel button!")
- EndSelect
- WEnd